Chargeback Disputes – What to Do? 

Chargeback disputes are not a holiday season exclusive, but when it’s your busiest season, those chargebacks can account for large sums of money. Here’s what to do when you receive a chargeback dispute. Reach out to 1 Step Technologies’ customer service team. We are here to help you navigate the chargeback process.

Our team will review the chargeback notice, help you provide all the appropriate supporting documentation, and monitor the dispute for resolution. 

What documents do we need to dispute a chargeback? 

At this point, you may think this information will be difficult to pin down, but our payment Gateway makes it simple. Once you know the transaction that is being disputed, find the customer information and sales receipt.

  1. Customer Information: This includes name, payment method, shipping address, and billing address. We recommend vaulting customers in our Gateway so all this information is easily accessible. 
  2. Sales Receipt with Transaction Details: This includes invoices and signatures on sales receipts confirming the purchase. 

How to Avoid Chargebacks? 

While there is no way to avoid chargebacks entirely, we can help you reduce the opportunity for one to happen. 

  1. Follow PCI Guidelines: Most valid chargebacks happen as a result of not following PCI guidelines. Before the holiday season picks up, take time to review credit card handling procedures with your staff. Check out the video on PCI Compliance in our Client Success Portal.  
  2. Check IDs: Ensure the ID matches the authorized user on the credit card.
  3. Keep Transaction in front of customer: It’s easy to get caught in the moment of a transaction and want to take the card to the back office for processing or leave the card unattended while getting your Gateway device, but the transaction should happen in front of the customer. 
  4. Shred Written Down Card Data: If you must process a credit card that requires that you write down the card data, shred the information into a secured disposal upon receiving confirmation of the approval. 
  5. Encourage Mobile Payments: Payment methods such as Apple Pay and Google Pay are both secure methods of payment as they require face recognition to open and confirm payment. This limits the opportunity for a chargeback dispute. 

Dealing with chargebacks should not take you away from your store during the business’s time of year. We hope our tips help you limit the opportunity for disputes. If you do come across the holiday hiccups, please reach out to our support team. Happy Transacting! 

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